The ROLLEI 35 is one of the smallest full format cameras ever built. Only from MINOX and MINOLTA there were even smaller 35mm cameras.
The ROLLEI 35 was virtually built around the film spool and the film, with special solutions due to space constraints such as the transport lever for the film on the left side and the flash shoe and crank for rewinding the film on the bottom of the camera.
The ROLLEI 35 has no rangefinder. You have to estimate the distance yourself and then adjust the lens accordingly.
When I was looking for a ROLLEI 35 for myself, I first googled who can still repair such a camera and what tips I can get on what to look out for when buying it.
It was a stroke of luck - I landed on the website of Mr. Bruer (Classic Fotoservice), who used to work at ROLLEI in the factory and who still had a black ROLLEI 35 SE in stock from that time - in new condition and always maintained by him. We had a very nice phone call, at the end of which he offered to sell me this camera at a very fair price. He wanted to know it in good hands . . .
But he does not only repair ROLLEI, you can also contact him for repairs of other analog cameras.

This camera is currently under test, I will add pictures I took with this camera later.